Tel: 65 6950 2869

Eardrum Perforation and Retraction

What is Eardrum Perforation?

Eardrum Perforation is a hole in the ear drum, which makes the ear susceptible to ear infections and often causes reduced hearing. Most perforations heal themselves in a few days or weeks. However, the longer the perforation takes to heal, the less likely it will heal on its own.

Left eardrum perforation

What is Eardrum Retraction?

Eardrum retraction happens when part of the ear drum gets sucked deeper into the ear by pressure and scarring. This can cause ear infections and hearing loss and, in some cases, it can cause the hearing bones in the ear to be permanently damaged. Eardrum retraction can sometimes lead to a condition called cholesteatoma.

Left eardrum retraction

Normal ear drum

What causes Eardrum Perforation and Retraction?

Ear drum perforation can be caused by infections of the middle ear, injury, for example being hit around the ear, a sudden loud noise like an explosion, change in pressure when flying or diving, or by direct trauma to the eardrum from cotton buds or other objects placed in the ear canal.

Ear drum retraction can be caused when your Eustachian tubes, which help maintain even pressure inside and outside of your ears, stop working correctly and the pressure in the ear decreases, causing your eardrum to collapse inwards. It can also occur when there is weakness in a particular part of the eardrum, for example due to previous infection or surgery.

How is Eardrum Peroration and Retraction treated?

As there are so many possible causes of ear pain, the first course of action is to identify its source and put together an effective treatment plan accordingly. Reaching a diagnosis may involve examination of the ear, jaw and throat as well as hearing and ear pressure tests.


  • Microsuction
  • Hearing tests


  • Tympanoplasty

Location & Hours

Nuffield ENT

Nuffield Medical Centre

501 Orchard Road

#05-15 Wheelock Place

Singapore 238880

Monday - Friday | 9 am - 6 pm

Saturday | 9 am - 1 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

Tel: +65 6950 2869 / 8805 0324

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